Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Throw back Tuesday

THIS is why I like to take an old post from my first months of running. I remember thinking 4.5 miles was such a long way! Now, I think it's the perfect run.

Friday, April 30, 2010


I have been tracking my "couch to 5k" program pretty much since the 1st few weeks on here.

This would have made my 9th week. I did the 8 week program, repeating a week twice. I followed the schedule exact. Until....... my 4th week. We began to tweek it by just adding time to it. So for instance the first time it called for " run 20 minutes straight " instead I did 14 minutes, walk 5, run 16. So I didn't technically run 20 minutes straight, but I ran more minutes than it really called for.

So on week 7 is when I ran a full 5k with out stopping ( about 2.5 weeks ago) and that was an amazing feeling. I felt extremely accomplished!

P.R. stands for  PERSONAL RECORD. So anytime you do anything to p.r. it means you have done more than before. So  you can PR on time, pace or distance.

This week,  I wanted to incorporate my first long run. So I wanted to run 4 miles with out stopping. at the end of my run, I had ran 4.5 miles in 48 minutes. So I pr'd on my milage, and my time. I never dreamed I would run for nearly an hour straight!! But I did, and it felt great. I really felt the effects of my training and conditioning the next day. By not feeling it. I wasn't sore, or tired. I did take the day off to let my muscles recover. And boy am I glad I did!

Yesterday, Thursday, we had planned to run 3 miles and do hills. So shorter but harder. Well the WIND was ridiculously strong, so we decided if we were going to run, we should do flat, and just do distance. We set out to run 4.5. We ran the first half with so much ease. Naturally, since the STRONG wind was blowing at our back. On the way back? Different story! The wind was so strong for about a mile and half of the stretch, that when it would give, I would literally jerk forward from the relief of the wind blowing against me. So, we had to take a minute walking break, and once we turned a little it was better. When we checked in at our starting place we had run 4.7 miles in 55.22 minutes. This isa HUGE PR, b/c with the wind it was like adding 2 miles to our run-- So to have finished it in only 55 minutes was an accomplishment in it'self..

I'm extremely excited! Scott has been training with me, and he is not only doing sooooo well (better than I am) with it, but he is looking great too!

I set a goal of doing the Tulsa Run on October 30th, which is a 15k (9 ish miles) But I was informed that the Tulsa Half Marathon is only a few weeks following. Which would be plus 4 miles. ( It's 13.1 miles) So I guess we'll go ahead and do some training for this too! I'd love to have one of those 13.1 stickers to put on my car window! We shall see. I'm not committing one way or another...

Also, if you are running ( or any activity!!!!) sign up on DailyMile.com it's a great tool for tracking and sharing your work outs... Great way to network with your active friends, and keeping motivated!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Throw back Tuesday

 * My first 8 mile run.

This post made me happy when I went back through and read it. I would say 8 miles is probably my favorite "distance" run!


 Monday, August 23, 2010

8 miles

Mile 1 - I think I can, I think I can..... I just want to stop. It's still hard to breath. I'm sleepy.
Mile 2- There is still time to turn around.
Mile 3- My endorphins are kicking in, my strides are getting longer.
Mile 4- I could go another 4
Mile 5- Are we approaching an hour?
Mile 6- Pop a sports bean for some energy.
Mile 7- Only a mile left.
Mile 8- Did I really just do that?

This is about my thought process on Saturday as I embarked on my 8 mile run for the very first time. I never thought I'd be running 8 miles. But I did it. And actually felt great. I picked up my pace from the last few long runs (since we were on flatter land!) and finished with a little "umph" left in me!
Scott woke up and decided he still was feeling sickly - so I struggled with myself on whether or not to go and meet up with the group to run with out him. It would have been the perfect excuse not to go. But I was looking forward to this one. It was a flat run, in my neck of the woods (Jenks). We've been having to drive down town and run the hills for the past few runs! - So I decided what the heck, I'll be brave and go alone. - which by the way is very un-like me!- It's closer too... No more excuses right? And I'm so glad I did. I feel like it was that much more of an accomplishment!!

A lot of the girls I run with are super runners. They talk about how they felt at mile 10, or mile 20, and that seems so LARGE to me. I can't grasp that just yet. So when I talk about running 8 miles for the first time I feel like it's such a small amount compared to what they are used to running. So for someone that fast, they do look at 8 miles as an easier run, b/c it doesn't take them very long to run it. But I have to remember that they once were running 8 miles at 11 minute miles.

I'm not one to really care an awful lot about my speed. I know as time goes on I'll get faster. And I do set my goals for races. But as far as every day runs, I just want to enjoy them. I don't want it to be hard every time I get out there. Or I wouldn't do it! There has to be a good balance! And maybe I'm just not the competitive type, but I try not to compare my numbers to anyone else. Just set my own personal goals, and meet them.

Why do you run?

Anyways, I just thought this was a big one, and wanted to remember it! I hope that any of you who are running/or training, are keeping some kind of notation of it. It's so amazing to look back to Febuary and March and see my progression!

I have several people asking me for my training schedule and everything. I love that, it means that someone was inspired, just as I was.

Social Running

This pretty much contradicts my last post.

But I've decided that out of all of the things I love about running, the social networking takes the prize! I just absolutely indulge in my girl time!!!

This morning a few of my girl friends met me for an early morning run at my house. Despite the fog, the weather was a cool 40, and no wind. Great running conditions. So really by the time we started warming up the fog just felt like one of those cool misters that you walk under at theme parks!

So after chatting with one of the girls, I realized that this is among my favorite reasons to wake up at 5:?? in the AM, in the cold of winter, and get my dose of endorphins!

I am looking forward to those Saturday morning long runs, and warm coffee ,a big breakfast and lots of loud talking to follow.

I know that a lot of people start out training solo, which is great if you can, but I think that you can be a stronger runner if you run at least a run or 2 a week with a friend - I think it can push us just a little more. If nothing else, listen to the other person talk, and it will distract us!

All in all, I think that it makes even the harder runs "easier"!

Happy Running!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Running Solo

I really aspire to be one of those people who can take off and run for an hour*or more* alone.

I'm not.

My most favorite of favoritest things about running, is the networking! I love that I can run with Chera to plan a baby shower. I can meet Amber Lynn early on Monday and Fridays and discuss wedding details. I meet the girls on Tuesday to plan out our week, and chat about girly stuff for 30 minutes... I an call Jess up and we take a 5 mile run to rant about our spouses wrecking the car. Ashley will meet me for a lunch time run on any given day....

Seriously, who wants to run alone!?

Okay, so this is something that I have been trying to do every once in a while. Lay everything aside, lace up my shoes, turn up my music, and think. I will do it, if nessecary, but lately, luckily I haven't had to!

How do you feel about running solo? Is it something you look forward to? Do you find it as challenging as I do?

Any suggestions on how to over come this??

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Throw back Tuesday

Monday, August 30, 2010

Why do you run?

This has been a question that I've been asked several times. And I've always fumbled to give a straight answer. As, I don't know exactly why I want to run. It's hard, it's hot, I get sore etc... So why do I run?

I realized Friday
* immediately after I hit an all time PR!* as the intoxicating mixture of endorphins, and adrenaline rushed through my vains.... THIS is why I run! I run, to reach this level of "high". I literally chase after this rush. It doesn't happen with every run. You get done with a run and you either feel like, Oh, that was a good run, or dang, that sucks.... But every once in a while, whether in a race or not, you'll hit a goal (sometimes unexpectedly) and will have the wave of thrill all over again.

So there it is..  I like the high. For someone who isn't a runner, may not understand what this is. If you just work out to get your cardio in for the day, then you probably don't experience this much. That is why I have had a hard time explaining WHY i run!

There are other perks of course!
The networking. If you are a runner, new or old, you know that the running community is SO supportive, and friendly! I love meeting new runners, which a lot of times turn in to clients/friends, on a regular basis.

The health benefits. I had a baby. I had a goal to run the Tulsa Run. What I didn't have was the extra baby weight. I don't usually talk a ton about my weight or the size I am, but I will say that this will always be my plan post baby. I don't think there is anything else out there like it, for me. I'm no longer trying to shed weight ( actually have to add calories/protein in to my diet now) But I know that it does work! I don't know anything about diets and counting carbs and such. But I do know how to get those endorphins flowing, heart pumping!

The attire? This is something I didn't give much thought to until I started running with some of my friends (some who are in the "public eye") that you don't have to be a SLOB while working out or running. I've learned about running skirts, and cute (be-dazzled) running shirts and shoes. They are priced just the same as other running attire. I've learned that it's ok to dress cute while running! I figure, if you're spending a large amount of time in your running clothes, you might as well like the way they look. I've also learned at races, you take lots of pics! LOL. But I love buying new clothes and gear to run in, just like I buy other clothes.

Goals. Training is all about goals. I've always been a leisure jogger. But I've never really trained for anything until now. It's all about having certain goals, and reaching them on a weekly basis. If you make a check list of all the things you need to do around the house or work, and got them all completed each week, how would you feel?
Get those medals!
 I'm not a competitive person by nature, so I only really feel the need to beat my own best. I'm content with that. My husband on the other hand, different story! Lots of competition!  I'm not too big in to how fast I am compared to others. There will always be someone who runs at the same pace as you, and that's all I care about! lol!

Cheap therapy. I've learned that a 40 minute chatty jog with a girlfriend to blow off some steam does wonders!!!! and it's free. Or a 5 mile run with my favorite man in the world, to just talk about things, makes us feel a different, and deeper connection. Or a fast run by myself, lets me "run out some aggression"

A good cause. Every race supports something. Your money is donated to something. Race for the cure-breast cancer awareness, Memory walk-Alzheimer disease, Hunger run-keeping food in the bellies of babies, Bricktown Blaze-help to support amputees. Some runs may benefit the trails and parks of Tulsa, some may be for suicide prevention/education.... But you're running (or walking) for a cause!

So these are just a few reasons I love the sport. I understand it's not for everyone.  I know that not everyone is supportive of the sport. They think it's dangerous, or hard on your body and so on.... but if they understood a little of why a runner runs, maybe they would change their view of it. ( besides, I think that NO exercise is and can be harder on your body than any kind of exercise out there) We gotta take care of our bodies, our heart, our emotions, and our mind.... You just have to find what works for you!  So run, walk swim, bike your heart out.. Get your blood pumping, prove to yourself that you can check off some goals, that you and your loved ones are worth being healthy for! Because you are.

Throw back post

On Tuesdays, I will be doing posts called "Throw back Tuesdays" ... I'd like to bring over some of my old blogs from my first year of running experience. I started running/training (with real goals) February of 2010. So I started writing. Now I love looking back at the memories and miles I've kept track of!!

INSPIRE   - September 9,2010

Keep doing what you're doing, you never know who you are inspiring!

Now, by all means, I'm NO pro when it comes to running, but I am a learner. And, I started from ground zero, just a short time ago. So, therefore I like to share all my good info with others!  I get emails, and fb messages every so often, wanting to know what I did to get started, or why I like it so much, what kind of shoe(or clothing) I like etc.... And I have people in my life who I turn to for these things, only b/c I am inspired by them, and where they came from- -  I publicly started from ground ZERO   when I decided to start training. I am so happy that I decided to blog about my journey (and will continue to do so) not only for my own sake, to be able to look back at where I started is so great!, But to also know that I've inspired at least one person!

Sometimes I feel a little guilty constantly talking about running, and posting things on facebook about my new PR's. But when someone sends me an email saying that it's an inspiration to know that I was where they are just a few short months ago, it seems attainable to them. So, I will keep doing what I'm doing. ( I promise, I wont post every single run I run, no one cares that much! LOL.)But good runs, or bad runs, inspiring runs, new goals, I will continue to share.

Don't inspire to be like
me, inspire to the greatest YOU.

I encourage your to be bold, and to reach out for those goals! ( which are very important to set!) And keep record of it somewhere. It's so great to look back and see your progress. You WILL inspire someone. It may not be a physical activity, but whatever it is that you are passionate about.

Quit comparing yourself to others, and realize how great
YOU are!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Knowing when to STOP

I remember when I first started my C25K, it's all about working your way up to running 30 minutes( or 3 miles) with out stopping.

I got so excited when I reached 10 minutes with out stopping. I remember the day that I ran 20. You might have thought I just won the Boston marathon or something when I finished my first 3 full miles.... at 11:30 minutes per mile, none the less.
It was all about building up the endurance to keep going with out stopping.

What happens when I go 4, or 5 or more...

I learned all too quickly- especially when I ran a slower pace- that once you hit a certain amount of time running it's OKAY to stop!!

Now, do I mean stop and sit on the ground to meditate for 30 minutes? Nope. I mean it's alright to stop, take a drink, tinkle if need be, catch your breath, and get back at it.

At some point, (for me, about 45 minutes) we have to learn that it's okay to take a little break. When I started training with the group, they would have water stops every 2-3 miles. It was wonderful to know that I'm not the only to stop!! For me, it's usually a time thing. B/c I got faster with time, so I no longer need to stop during a 5 mile run, it doesn't take as long as it used to- See?
As you get faster, you're adjusting your pace accordingly for your goal. What do I mean? I mean that I know I can "run" 8 miles at a 9:30 pace, but I also know that I can NOT run it with out stopping. Therefore realistically I add about a minute or so on to my goal pace to aim for. I have no idea if this is the "right" way of doing things or not, but I do know that it works for me. That's not factoring conditions like weather, wind, hills, terrain.

I tell you these things because I know what it's like to see all my elite runner friends and compare myself to them. But we all had a beginning- and that's where I'm at now. We have to be realists when it comes to running. If not, you end up on the I-list! Keep those stress fractures away, and listen to your body, not your garmin. Set your gps device according to your body!!

So there ya have it runners... It's okay to take a break. Especially in distance running. While it's good to set goals for our actual race, it's also a good goal to FINISH. People outside of the running community don't know how fast, fast is. All they hear is how FAR we went. Be proud of that, and focus on training smart.

Happy Running!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Brrrrr! -- Get your run on anyway.

People always think you crazy for running. Period.             Running distance- "Oh that's insane!"       Running in 100 degree weather- " Your a nut!"               Running in 20 degree weather " Your cheese has slid off your cracker"                  Running in the dark " Oh that's dangerous!" --- SO if you are waiting to run only when it's sunny and 75, you may get mmm about a whole month out of the year total to do that here in Oklahoma!

Some say I'm crazy. I just say I am addicted to the adrenaline! I am not complaining about the 20 degree weather. I just plan around it. I know not to run north. Easy enough, find an east/west trail and bundle up.

Today I ran with an old running buddy who is getting back in to it. ( I call it bridal boot camp for her!) We braved the 19 degree weather together.  Felt foolishly satisfied after, and enjoyed a HOT Caramel Brulee from starbucks as a great reward. MMMMMM...

Things I've already found to be essential in polar bear weather are :

Gloves- I like the cheapies, so they are smaller and I can put them in my pocket when my hand (and they will!) get hot.
A fleece head/ear band to cover my ears.
A zip up fitted jacket with a hood and the hand covers.  after about 10 minutes I start warming up.. I can throw off my hood and put my gloves in my pocket, and un-zip my jacket to get some air in there.
Running tights. I usually layer another pair of wind pants over my tights. But it's not really necessary.
Thicker socks. My other socks are mesh like to keep my feet cool. And so are my shoes- So maybe some thicker socks will keep my feet from getting too chilly.

I am learning that I do not need 7 layers to stay warm! Just remember, and mark my words, make it to minute 8, and you will be warm by that time! I know it's super cold when getting started or even when getting dressed... but trust yourself when getting dressed. Cover everything, and make it easy to remove or take off if you get hot. You will over-dress a time or 2 and learn your lesson!

This is my first full winter to run .. I started in February of this year, so while it was cold, it was only about a month!  I will run as long as it's not icy on the trails...Then I will just start using the treadmill- I wont back down from the cold! I will acclimate just like I did for the summer ( which I found MUCH harder!)

I'm learning to take more pics on my runs. I love to look back at them. I encourage you to do the same.

Happy running!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Your no longer a runner, your a marathoner.

Well, I (with my husband by my side) completed my first half marathon on November 21st,2010. Words could never describe the incredible sense of accomplishment that met me at the finish line.

The course was one that I knew all too well. I've run it in bits and pieces over that past 4 months of training. But on the big day, it was like I'd never seen it before. Really, I'd never seen it with thousands of other people in front of and behind me, spread all over the streets of Tulsa, reaching for the same goal I've been working to attain this whole year!

I decided after I did my initial Couch to 5k training program, that I definitely wanted to extend my goals. So as most of you know, I decided that I wanted to shoot for the Tulsa Run. (9.3 miles) - After realizing that it's only 4 more miles added to that, to achieve a half marathon, my mind was set on that 13.1!

My husband and I decided to set this goal and reach it together. And that we did.

The first 3 miles of the run was extremely hard to regulate my breathing, pace, comfort- There were massive amounts of people everywhere! Some where passing me, as I was passing another runner. It was intense. Once I hit the 2nd water stop at 4 miles, I took a minute to re-group. I took a gu, popped a jolly rancher in my mouth and continued. By mile 5 I was feeling GREAT!

Mile 7... Feeling FAB!

Felt pretty good until we reached mile 10. I'm not sure what happened, but my energy level tanked. I stared 10 feet ahead of me on the road until I could re-center. I saw the water stop coming up around mile 11.5, and knew that if I could just get to that stop I could GU (gel energy packets), get some water take a little break, and beat the last mile or so with a stick! So I did just that.... I ran faster and harder.

Mile 13

I saw the 13 mile marker, knowing that I only had  100th of a mile to go.. I dug deep. Deeper than I had ever dug to get to that finish line!

WE DID IT! Together. We finished our first half marathon.

We then got to refuel, get warm, eat some food, get some water, take some pics with friends, and wait.... We waited for a while to see some of our other friends come across the finish line for the FULL marathon.

preparing for a pic. Apparently it takes lots of effort

Showing off our "bling" medals!!

Cheering on the full marathon finishers and waiting to spot some of our friends!

There's Ashley (my running coach!) -- Waited to run her in the last little bit!

Scott found his running buddy Ric and ran him in to the finish.

Scott running Ric across his first marathon finish line!


Now, I don't know if you have ever been to a marathon, but let me tell you, it is one of the most inspiring events I've ever been to.... The people there are so supportive. There were so many signs that people had made, and several of them whether inspiring, or funny, caught my attention! A few of them off the top of my head read:

" Chaff now, brag later"
"In our minds, you're all Kenyans"
" You're no longer a runner, your a marathoner" - At mile 12.

There are people EVERYWHERE. We passed so many houses where the families where just in their yard, drinking coffee and cheering on the runners. There were 42 bands along the course. So music was at every half mile. Whether, rock band, jazz band, marching band, or an old man singing karaoke..each band had something to offer us!

Also to see the all the people from different walks of life out there on the course is so inspiring!

The Handicap runners were amazing!!
We ran with people in their 80's.

We watched a man finish the full marathon pushing his special needs child. Where's the tissue!? ..

We saw a man carrying a full on American flag, and on the different stripes they read things like " God Bless America" , "John 3:16", " SO-and SO we miss you RIP" "Route 66" and so on, it was cool to see this guy who was in the military showing his patriotism-- for a very long time! All the people were just shouting out "Thank you's " To him. 

SO I know that many of you have followed my training since early on. And since running has become such a large part of my life, and I began to post about it so often, I decided to add a blog just for that =)

By ALLLLLL means I'm no pro. Seriously dude, I just finished my first HALF marathon. But I do know what I've learned whether from experience, or from advice from great friends. And it's been loads. So I'd love to share my learned info with anyone who wants it!  (( And i'll be working on getting this blog looking pretty, as soon as I can figure it all out!))

I'm so excited and ready to start thinking about my next run. I have an idea of where it might be, and I am thinking in a "cajun" town! We shall see!

Well, what inspires you?  The only person that will hold you back from doing anything you want to do, is you.

* I want to give a special thanks to:
  • My husband who has supported me and encouraged me through this whole process. Right by my side the whole time, start to finish. We can do anything baby!
  • Jessica for inspiring me. I've always wanted to do big things.. Seeing you start from the ground up was so inspiring. Thank you!
  • Chera for letting me wear her own shoes! You saved my life! -- and my feet, knees,and back. You are such a giving person, you literally will gave the shoes off your feet. And being my go-to girl when I need advice.
  • Ashley "coach" Thank you for leading me.
  • Jan for keeping our daughter so that we were able to make the 5am training runs. You're a blessing!! 
And everyone else for their kind words,support and prayers!