Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sweetheart Run 2011
Last Saturday, I traded my long run for a little racing.
The day was cool, humid, and dreary. The course was a windy, flat, boring course! -- Perfect for a PR.
The race options were 5k, 10k, or 20k.
I opted for the 10k. 6.2 miles ( if you run the corners)
I've raced a 5k before, and FINISHED a half marathon. But I've never raced anything faster than 3.2 miles.... So, this was a new challenge for me- How long could I sustain a descent "race pace" longer than 3 miles! I set a goal of breaking an hour. That would mean, I have to run about 9:30 minute miles. For over 6 miles. Whew! -- With out stopping (maybe briefly for water)
I set out the first 2 miles averaging about 8:30's, Mile 3-4, I decided to slow it down to about 9:20. I knew that I couldn't keep up for 6 miles in the 8s! After the splash of water at the water stop at mile 4.5, We found the 9 minute pace group, and stuck with them until the last ".2" of the race. And just ran it hard all the way in!
I had 6.26 miles in 57:08 - Averaging about 9:07 minute miles. I was more than trilled with this!
Usually after races, I'm pretty sore. This was an exception. I wasn't sore at all the next day~ I ran (by feel of course) Monday and while there was no soreness, I could tell that my legs were more tired than usual. I ran the 5k at lafortune, not looking at my time the entire time. Speeding and slowing as normal-- Felt super rejuvenated for my speed work out on Tuesday. There really is a science to this people!
Also, some of my friends ran for the first time in this race! Carrie and Rob ran their first 5k together. (excellent time might I add!) Clint ran his first 10k. Distance PR! Chera PR'd finishing her 10k (after running the 5k) in a little over 49 minutes *Smokin!!* Jennifer ran with me on her first 10k. She killed it too! I had a blast seeing lots of my friends out there- Everyone did so good! The racing season has begun!
Happy Running <3
Okc Training- Week 7
Are we on week 7 already?!
Really it's like week 5, due to the snow blizzard that hit, and set everyone back 2 weeks! But none the less, I'm feeling good about my training.
I'm becoming more and more conditioned with each week. I'm sticking to my "Recovery,Speed work,Rest,Tempo/hills,Rest,Long run Rest" Schedule, and it's working!
Saturday, I traded my long run for a 10k race -which I'll post soon! Again, I was surprised at the lack of soreness on Sunday. My recovery run on Monday, I wasn't sore, but I could certainly tell that my legs were tired. I ran strictly by feel, as I do on Mondays.
Starting Last week I gathered a running partner, and we decided to start in cooperating speed work outs regularly in to our training. I wanted to do Yassos, since it's easier to calculate, and keep up with. And. They work.
So, here's how it works.... Yasso's ...
5 minute warm up
2x800s (half mile)
400m active(walking) recovery (.25 mile)
Repeat for a total of 4 times
5 minute cool down
So, the object is to run at a nearly sprinting pace for 2x800s. What pace you ask? The way to figure it out, is by the marathon goal you'd like to finish in. So, even though I'm not training for a marathon, I'd like to hit 2:00 half marathon. So if I were training for a full it would be 4:00 hours( plus 20 minutes.) Making my goal to finish each split in about 4:20 seconds. The first time I did this about 4 weeks ago, it was a push to stay with in this time frame....
Last week was my 2nd time, and I was doing the Jenks bridge instead of the track, which made me have to sprint it 6 times to get the 2 miles of actual speed. Since it was a shorter distance, I decided to push the pace, since I was running shorter distance. My lungs were on fire, my stomach was churning, and my energy lever tanked... after about 3 splits, I decided that I wanted to be done.
Tuesday of this week, I went to the track to do the original yasso workout above. I was super surprised at how I different it was! My goal was to keep it under 4:15 which would put me running an 8 minute pace for half mile intervals..... I didn't make it above 4 minutes! And actually felt great!! My lungs really learned how to expand and allow more oxygen to my muscles, therefore allowing me to continue my work out with out as much fatigue! A lot less soreness this week too. I also tried one of those Gatorade prime drinks before my work out. I think this might have played a part on my performance! I WILL be using these again!
I said all that confusing blob of info to say this...... I'm getting conditioned with each week. I took some time off of doing yoga as much, just 1-2 times a week. Now I'm back at almost every day, and I can definitely feel a positive difference when doing this! I keep it to lighter lots of stretching on days I run. And days I don't run I'll do longer, and more intense routines. This works for me!
While I still have a tempo run to tackle today, and an 8 mile progression (starting at 10:10 and getting faster each mile) left to do this week, I am feeling great about my progress of training.
I hope you're setting and meeting your goals!
Happy Running!
Run Happy!
Really it's like week 5, due to the snow blizzard that hit, and set everyone back 2 weeks! But none the less, I'm feeling good about my training.
I'm becoming more and more conditioned with each week. I'm sticking to my "Recovery,Speed work,Rest,Tempo/hills,Rest,Long run Rest" Schedule, and it's working!
Saturday, I traded my long run for a 10k race -which I'll post soon! Again, I was surprised at the lack of soreness on Sunday. My recovery run on Monday, I wasn't sore, but I could certainly tell that my legs were tired. I ran strictly by feel, as I do on Mondays.
Starting Last week I gathered a running partner, and we decided to start in cooperating speed work outs regularly in to our training. I wanted to do Yassos, since it's easier to calculate, and keep up with. And. They work.
So, here's how it works.... Yasso's ...
5 minute warm up
2x800s (half mile)
400m active(walking) recovery (.25 mile)
Repeat for a total of 4 times
5 minute cool down
So, the object is to run at a nearly sprinting pace for 2x800s. What pace you ask? The way to figure it out, is by the marathon goal you'd like to finish in. So, even though I'm not training for a marathon, I'd like to hit 2:00 half marathon. So if I were training for a full it would be 4:00 hours( plus 20 minutes.) Making my goal to finish each split in about 4:20 seconds. The first time I did this about 4 weeks ago, it was a push to stay with in this time frame....
Last week was my 2nd time, and I was doing the Jenks bridge instead of the track, which made me have to sprint it 6 times to get the 2 miles of actual speed. Since it was a shorter distance, I decided to push the pace, since I was running shorter distance. My lungs were on fire, my stomach was churning, and my energy lever tanked... after about 3 splits, I decided that I wanted to be done.
Tuesday of this week, I went to the track to do the original yasso workout above. I was super surprised at how I different it was! My goal was to keep it under 4:15 which would put me running an 8 minute pace for half mile intervals..... I didn't make it above 4 minutes! And actually felt great!! My lungs really learned how to expand and allow more oxygen to my muscles, therefore allowing me to continue my work out with out as much fatigue! A lot less soreness this week too. I also tried one of those Gatorade prime drinks before my work out. I think this might have played a part on my performance! I WILL be using these again!
I said all that confusing blob of info to say this...... I'm getting conditioned with each week. I took some time off of doing yoga as much, just 1-2 times a week. Now I'm back at almost every day, and I can definitely feel a positive difference when doing this! I keep it to lighter lots of stretching on days I run. And days I don't run I'll do longer, and more intense routines. This works for me!
While I still have a tempo run to tackle today, and an 8 mile progression (starting at 10:10 and getting faster each mile) left to do this week, I am feeling great about my progress of training.
I hope you're setting and meeting your goals!
Happy Running!
Run Happy!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Recover, Rest...blah blah blah
Sometimes the hardest part of training is RESTING!
We don't realize how much we're doing when we increase our work(out) load. Our muscles HAVE to rest, and recover from what it's just done. It's the most important after intense workouts like speed work, and long runs. Each time we are intensifying our run, we are causing our muscles to tear a little bit, and they have to have time to repair. -- Protein aides in the process!-- They grow back stronger!
In my (and probably most) running schedule we have 4 different runs. They are designed to have time to heal when I need to, and rest/cross train after hard or long runs.
My training schedule reads something like this...
Sunday- OFF or cross train
Monday-Recovery run. - Slow,easy, fun, run. For me, this is usually a 4-6 mile run at about 10:00 minute miles.
Tuesday- Speed work. Short distance (3) with sprinting intervals.
Thursday- Tempo ( fast,but not sprint pace) or hills. Usually around 4 miles would be a pace of around 9:00
Friday- OFF/ cross train
Saturday- Long slow run - About 10 minute mile.
I like my recovery days! I don't do anything except maybe yoga * which is usually my cross training * on Sundays, so any lingering soreness is worked out on Monday. I love the way I feel when I run easy runs on Mondays!
Just a reminder that over training will eventually lead to injury! Take care of your body, it will respond better!
Of course the proper shoes, diet, hydration, etc.... Will all make a difference too!
As hard as it is to take days off sometimes, just have to have the discipline to do it!!! Or, not do it.
My favorite recovery concoction ( after really long,hard runs, or races) 2 ibprofens with chocolate milk - I always do chocolate milk- and the clifbar shot rocks! Or any kind of protein. It's recommended that we "protein up" with in 2 hours of our work out, for the best recovery!
Happy Running!
We don't realize how much we're doing when we increase our work(out) load. Our muscles HAVE to rest, and recover from what it's just done. It's the most important after intense workouts like speed work, and long runs. Each time we are intensifying our run, we are causing our muscles to tear a little bit, and they have to have time to repair. -- Protein aides in the process!-- They grow back stronger!
In my (and probably most) running schedule we have 4 different runs. They are designed to have time to heal when I need to, and rest/cross train after hard or long runs.
My training schedule reads something like this...
Sunday- OFF or cross train
Monday-Recovery run. - Slow,easy, fun, run. For me, this is usually a 4-6 mile run at about 10:00 minute miles.
Tuesday- Speed work. Short distance (3) with sprinting intervals.
Thursday- Tempo ( fast,but not sprint pace) or hills. Usually around 4 miles would be a pace of around 9:00
Friday- OFF/ cross train
Saturday- Long slow run - About 10 minute mile.
I like my recovery days! I don't do anything except maybe yoga * which is usually my cross training * on Sundays, so any lingering soreness is worked out on Monday. I love the way I feel when I run easy runs on Mondays!
Just a reminder that over training will eventually lead to injury! Take care of your body, it will respond better!
Of course the proper shoes, diet, hydration, etc.... Will all make a difference too!
As hard as it is to take days off sometimes, just have to have the discipline to do it!!! Or, not do it.
My favorite recovery concoction ( after really long,hard runs, or races) 2 ibprofens with chocolate milk - I always do chocolate milk- and the clifbar shot rocks! Or any kind of protein. It's recommended that we "protein up" with in 2 hours of our work out, for the best recovery!
Happy Running!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Okc training- Week 6
So after running a total of 5 miles during the blustery week of week 5, I knew that I had to get in anything and everything this week!
I was feeling behind, and a little frantic. There was NO long run for week 5, which should have been a 7 mile tempo run. 1 Mile warm up at base pace, 5 miles at 9:00 mile, 1 mile cool down. I was feeling NERVOUS about this! So, I wasn't all that sad when we didn't have to do it.
Monday- I got in right under 6 miles.
Tuesday- I ran 2.5 miles AGAINST the artic air that was blowing round 2 of our snowcolyspse! So we turned around with the wind at our backs at took off back to the car. Figure that if we couldn't get any the 5 miles we wanted we'd push the pace. That counts for speed work right?
Wednesday- Snow, off.
Thursday- Usually would be tempo/hill runs but again, I was snowed in, and with my daugther.
Friday- I usually don't like to run the day before my long run, but I figured an easy 4 wouldn't kill me!
Satruday- We were scheduled for 10 miles. But since we all had issues getting our weekly miles in the past few weeks, they dropped it back to 8.
So this week, I had to work super hard to get in the miles, but i logged 21! -- I know to some this isn't many. BUT, my last training season, I only broke 20 miles in a week the last week of my training before my half! So I was excited about this..
Saturday..... I ran with my new group again. They are the 10:10 pace group for Long Slow runs! If you remember, I struggled with making the big move to a faster paced group, doubting my ability to do it.
Our first run we did was a monterous 8 mile hilly run averaging 9:45 pace. I finished strong, but still had my doubts. Yesterday, I ran another 8 miles with them. Averaging just under a 10:00 pace. It felt EFFORTLESS! We ran a few miles on riverside, and the rest downtown. I've never seen downtown so thouroghly before. It's absolutely stunning!!! Running through all of the buildings, seeing the sun peek over them was a sight for my eyes. Each water stop I just kept thinking, it's already time to pause? So I had the confirmation that I was right where I needed to be. Even with the down town hills, the run never felt forced. I'm happy for that!
Last season, I had to come home and stay in bed all day. Our long runs were usually a distance PR for us, so we were worn out!
Yesterday, I worked all day, and went out last night, and never felt any "physical" effects of my legs being tired or sore. A-MAZ-ING.
Needless to say, I'm happy about getting in some miles, and feeling satisfied with my choice to move .
Run Happy!
I was feeling behind, and a little frantic. There was NO long run for week 5, which should have been a 7 mile tempo run. 1 Mile warm up at base pace, 5 miles at 9:00 mile, 1 mile cool down. I was feeling NERVOUS about this! So, I wasn't all that sad when we didn't have to do it.
Monday- I got in right under 6 miles.
Tuesday- I ran 2.5 miles AGAINST the artic air that was blowing round 2 of our snowcolyspse! So we turned around with the wind at our backs at took off back to the car. Figure that if we couldn't get any the 5 miles we wanted we'd push the pace. That counts for speed work right?
Wednesday- Snow, off.
Thursday- Usually would be tempo/hill runs but again, I was snowed in, and with my daugther.
Friday- I usually don't like to run the day before my long run, but I figured an easy 4 wouldn't kill me!
Satruday- We were scheduled for 10 miles. But since we all had issues getting our weekly miles in the past few weeks, they dropped it back to 8.
So this week, I had to work super hard to get in the miles, but i logged 21! -- I know to some this isn't many. BUT, my last training season, I only broke 20 miles in a week the last week of my training before my half! So I was excited about this..
Saturday..... I ran with my new group again. They are the 10:10 pace group for Long Slow runs! If you remember, I struggled with making the big move to a faster paced group, doubting my ability to do it.
Our first run we did was a monterous 8 mile hilly run averaging 9:45 pace. I finished strong, but still had my doubts. Yesterday, I ran another 8 miles with them. Averaging just under a 10:00 pace. It felt EFFORTLESS! We ran a few miles on riverside, and the rest downtown. I've never seen downtown so thouroghly before. It's absolutely stunning!!! Running through all of the buildings, seeing the sun peek over them was a sight for my eyes. Each water stop I just kept thinking, it's already time to pause? So I had the confirmation that I was right where I needed to be. Even with the down town hills, the run never felt forced. I'm happy for that!
Last season, I had to come home and stay in bed all day. Our long runs were usually a distance PR for us, so we were worn out!
Yesterday, I worked all day, and went out last night, and never felt any "physical" effects of my legs being tired or sore. A-MAZ-ING.
Needless to say, I'm happy about getting in some miles, and feeling satisfied with my choice to move .
Run Happy!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Yoga Challenge- Day 21
Day 21- 30 Shoulder and Tention relief " Aka lots of twisting!"
This was a great counter active workout from yesterdays back bending! Lots of stretching. Low cardio work out. But still pretty intense.
This is the final day to my 3 week journey of doing yoga for (almost) every day for 21 days!
YAAAAAAY! i. did. it.
I've certainly increased my strength and flexibility. My core is becoming stronger and stronger -- Which is certainly helping in my training! I'm feeling more balanced as a person.. I've had to take the time almost everyday to practice. Whether 15 minutes or an hour - I still had to budget the time. I made it a priority! I will say on the days that I didn't do yoga, it was due to the flu crap I had, or I did run that day. So there were only about 3 days in the past 3 weeks that I didn't get any work out in. That feels pretty nice to think! It wasn't always easy, but I'm happy I did it!
I will continue to use these videos regularly, along with my on demand feature. I'll be investing in a few DVDs as well. I love practicing on my own- so I'm not yet ready to practice with a group. That's just one more thing for me to have to get a sitter for! This actually works well. I practice during my daughters nap times (since I'm home 3-4 days a week that's perfect!), or after dinner while Daddy cleans the kitchen and gives baby a bath! Or if I know a busy day is coming, I'll get up early and do it before anyone wakes up.
This has taught me consistency, and how to make time for things that are important to me! It is beneficial for my body, and my mind, yes.. But it's also beneficial for my family. Happy mama = Happy family right?!
Krista and I are already researching more challenges to do again! If you know of any let me know!
This was a great counter active workout from yesterdays back bending! Lots of stretching. Low cardio work out. But still pretty intense.
This is the final day to my 3 week journey of doing yoga for (almost) every day for 21 days!
YAAAAAAY! i. did. it.
I've certainly increased my strength and flexibility. My core is becoming stronger and stronger -- Which is certainly helping in my training! I'm feeling more balanced as a person.. I've had to take the time almost everyday to practice. Whether 15 minutes or an hour - I still had to budget the time. I made it a priority! I will say on the days that I didn't do yoga, it was due to the flu crap I had, or I did run that day. So there were only about 3 days in the past 3 weeks that I didn't get any work out in. That feels pretty nice to think! It wasn't always easy, but I'm happy I did it!
I will continue to use these videos regularly, along with my on demand feature. I'll be investing in a few DVDs as well. I love practicing on my own- so I'm not yet ready to practice with a group. That's just one more thing for me to have to get a sitter for! This actually works well. I practice during my daughters nap times (since I'm home 3-4 days a week that's perfect!), or after dinner while Daddy cleans the kitchen and gives baby a bath! Or if I know a busy day is coming, I'll get up early and do it before anyone wakes up.
This has taught me consistency, and how to make time for things that are important to me! It is beneficial for my body, and my mind, yes.. But it's also beneficial for my family. Happy mama = Happy family right?!
Krista and I are already researching more challenges to do again! If you know of any let me know!
Yoga Challenge- Day 20
Day 20- A 35 minute sequence to build up to a back bend.
Yes a back bend. Ya know, like we used to do in middle school??
This work out was -- Well, a WORKOUT!
My heart was pumping last night during this pose!!
There were some great high lunges for the legs. -- lets talk about on F-I-R-E!
Push ups- My arms are welcoming the push ups each time!
Back strengthening.
I was able to get in to this full back bend at the end of the sequence the first time full on. The 2nd try I couldn't stay up, so I went to bridge pose. And then the 3rd time I got up for almost the full count of the pose!
Toughy, but goody!
Can't believe I'm almost done with the practice :-(
Yes a back bend. Ya know, like we used to do in middle school??
This work out was -- Well, a WORKOUT!
My heart was pumping last night during this pose!!
There were some great high lunges for the legs. -- lets talk about on F-I-R-E!
Push ups- My arms are welcoming the push ups each time!
Back strengthening.
I was able to get in to this full back bend at the end of the sequence the first time full on. The 2nd try I couldn't stay up, so I went to bridge pose. And then the 3rd time I got up for almost the full count of the pose!
Toughy, but goody!
Can't believe I'm almost done with the practice :-(
Facing the truth about obesity.
You know me by now. I'm very passionate about making a healthy life for myself, and my family. I would also LOVE to change the world, and the views we have on our health.
I was inspired to blog about Americans' addicition to food. Especially fast food. It's quite sad actually. I decided that I needed to do some research on the matter before blowing it up!
This too, is convicting to me! - I am not obese, but I do try, and will continue to try harder, to raise my child in a healthy environment....Even when society is pulling her to the greasy side! I will continue to slowly change my eating habits. For the most part, they are good. They can always be better!
It's even sad what even our schools serve as a " well balanced" meal...
I then, in the same day as being inspired, receive an email from a friend and fellow blogger Ashley, saying that she came acrossed this blog that had to do with obesity, and suicide that I might be interested in. (Says it reminds her of something I would My ears perked, and I got to my computer and looked it up immediately!
* I quickly recognized that this lady is also involved with the same running group I am! small world!!
I was stunned beyond words after reading the enrtry. I felt like, it should be shared. I got her permission to share the blog, and want to.
We have to have to have to get out of this rut! We're only killing ourselves slowly. One french fry at a time..
Warning : this blog post will be offensive and possibly painful to some. It will deal with suicide and obesity. If either of those two topics are painful for you, I recommend you read no further.
I discovered today that once again, there is an Oklahoman participating in Biggest Loser. The fitness minded side of me shouted in joy at another Oklahoman attempting to change their life. The other half of me hung my head in embarrassment for our state. You see, this past year when the Biggest Loser did a casting call for their new season, they visited 15 cities, one of which is Oklahoma City because their producers have determined it to be one of America’s Fattest Cities.
These producers are not alone. In 2010, Oklahoma was named the 6th fattest state in the United states. In addition, we rank 45th in the nation for overall health of our population. But Oklahoma isn’t alone. If you look at the map of obese states, you’ll find that the Midwest is filled with high obesity rates and high rates of complications of obesity.
Now, if you look at the leading causes of death according to the Centers for Disease Control, you will find that the top 10 are made up of Heart disease, cancer, stroke, Chronic lower respiratory disease (Emphysema, asthma, etc.), Accidents, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, Influenza and Pneumonia, Nephritis (kidney diseases) and Septicemia. Currently, obesity is the #2 cause of preventable death in the United States, but that may not be for long. It is rapidly approaching tobacco as the number one cause of preventable death.
Preventable. Let’s look that one up. Preventable – able to be prevented. Prevent – to keep from occurring. So, if you have a someone who is doing something that is preventable, that means they are doing it intentionally, correct? Now, if someone is intentionally causing death to someone else, that would be considered what? Manslaughter? Murder? But what if they are intentionally causing death to themselves? Let’s define another word.
Suicide – the act or an instance of taking one’s own life voluntarily and intentionally especially by a person of years of discretion and of sound mind.
Now when most people think about suicide, they think of sudden death. And the reactions to a suicide or a suicide attempt are broad. We’ve all heard someone say that it’s selfish. That the person leaves behind a mess that they never have to deal with. There is definitively a stigma associated with those sudden, awful suicides.
But what about when the suicide is slow. A person who has been warned by doctors time and time again that their lifestyle is leading to their death. The father who continues bad eating habits knowing that it is leading him to a path of death, maybe not immediately, but eventually. Why is it horrible for someone to take their life suddenly yet acceptable for someone to do it slowly? We’ve “accepted” obesity. It’s no longer acceptable for an airline to charge for 2 seats. It’s discriminating. We see more and more lawsuits against companies who have discriminated against overweight individuals. Nobody calls them selfish. Nobody reminds them of the mess they are creating.
Now someone is probably reading this and getting offended. “What mess?” they are angrily asking. Let me tell you.
The father whose daughter has to take care of him because his legs have been amputated due to Type II diabetes brought on by his obesity.
The mother whose grandchildren’s last memories at Christmas is of her with oxygen tanks because she has congestive heart failure and can’t get out of bed.
The wife who each day prays that today isn’t the day that her husband’s heart stops because of high cholesterol and high blood pressure brought on by his obesity.
You see, with fast suicide, the mess happens after the death. But with slow suicide, you watch your family die over months and years.
And of course, you will have those individuals who are justifying obesity by using the argument that there are healthy obese people. Sure. They may be healthy today. No diabetes, no hypertension, no complications. But fast forward 10, 20, 30 years and lets see how many of today’s obese individuals have died of complications from their weight. To me, that argument makes as much sense as someone saying that they’re healthy while chain smoking Marlboro Reds.
Now, let me say this. There are medical conditions that cause obesity. But, they are extremely rare. Only 1% of obesity cases have valid medical causes, and only one disease, Cushing’s syndrome, cannot be completely treated. It effects 1 individual per million. Other causes of weight gain and obesity, such as Thyroid disease, PCOS, and depression can typically be treated or assisted. For 99% of the population, obesity is caused by consuming more calories than burned. Overeating, Indulging. Lack of activity. Choice.
And yet we’re supposed to accept it, right? Especially here in the middle of the Bible belt of the Midwest. Where we preach on Sunday that suicide is wrong, yet succumb to gluttony as soon as the service is over. When are we as a society going to wake up?
Yes, I am on a rant today. But I am sad. This hits close to home. No mother, father, child, grandchild, wife, or husband should have to put themselves through the hell of watching someone die, especially when it is self imposed, be it fast death or slow death and do nothing about it! I can’t imagine a more selfish act than to care so little about your loved ones to do nothing to keep them from that pain, yet milions of American’s, almost 1/3 of the population, have decided that suicide is acceptable.
When will it stop?
Thank you so much Shawna for opening my eyes to the tragedy here! We are being held hostage to the processed, greasy, fattening, artery clogging, heart stopping, " quick foods " that are " convenient "
We are writing our own death wishes. If you think it won't catch up to you eventually. Your delusional! That blood pressure cup will say other wise. That scale will laugh at you. Those lungs that want so hard to breath normal, will scream for help!
One calorie, and one foot step at a time, we really can conqueror this! It's not about being on a "health kick" it's about living an active healthy lifestyle. Is it easy? Nope. It's a lot easier to drive up through that drive threw window, order some mindless caloric food, toss a bag to the kid in the back, and keep going. That's easy. Is it easy to bury someone you love because they chose THAT lifestyle? Absolutely not! Is it easy to plan your meals, and take a time out from life to actually think about WHAT you are putting in your body as fuel? Nope.
We have a choice.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Yoga Challenge 18 and 19
I think... Okay. So, I'm not doing very good at keeping up with my days and work outs anymore!
I am also kind of substituting work outs for others that aren't in the same regimen as intended. I am having an awful time getting my computer(s) to play the streaming video correctly with out it stopping, and getting frozen.
So anyways, While I love the challenge, and ALL of the work outs - especially how they counter act each other- I am still trying to do yoga every day or every other day. I feel fantastic when I do!
Day 18- 10 minute cor work out. I acutally did on on my "on demand" feature - and it was pilates. It was 10 minutes of pure BURNING! I am feeling it today still!
Day 19- Was a 35 minute sequence. It was pretty fast pace - So I didn't really feel like I had a chance to keep the integrity of some of the poses. But I certainly got my heart rate up, and felt great afterwards!
I'm noticing after only a little over 2 weeks of practicing yoga very regularly (I wont say every day, but atleast 5 times a week) I am improving on my flexibility. I feel stronger in the poses as well! The push ups uses to be so hard for me... But yesterday, during a sequence where you would normally get to rest after coming down in the yoga push up, the instructor had us go only half way before switching to up dog.... which allows for no rest before switching postitions. I was pleasantly surprised that I was strong enough to do it!
Feeling stronger each day!
I am also kind of substituting work outs for others that aren't in the same regimen as intended. I am having an awful time getting my computer(s) to play the streaming video correctly with out it stopping, and getting frozen.
So anyways, While I love the challenge, and ALL of the work outs - especially how they counter act each other- I am still trying to do yoga every day or every other day. I feel fantastic when I do!
Day 18- 10 minute cor work out. I acutally did on on my "on demand" feature - and it was pilates. It was 10 minutes of pure BURNING! I am feeling it today still!
Day 19- Was a 35 minute sequence. It was pretty fast pace - So I didn't really feel like I had a chance to keep the integrity of some of the poses. But I certainly got my heart rate up, and felt great afterwards!
I'm noticing after only a little over 2 weeks of practicing yoga very regularly (I wont say every day, but atleast 5 times a week) I am improving on my flexibility. I feel stronger in the poses as well! The push ups uses to be so hard for me... But yesterday, during a sequence where you would normally get to rest after coming down in the yoga push up, the instructor had us go only half way before switching to up dog.... which allows for no rest before switching postitions. I was pleasantly surprised that I was strong enough to do it!
Feeling stronger each day!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
What's on your playlist?
Since I run partnered up 98% I really don't care too much music. I need it when I neeeeeeed it. So in difficult work outs, like speed/hill workouts, and races are where I've found it's company the most beneficial.
I used to try to put on rap and super fast hardcore music on my ipod- But in all actuality, I really don't care for a lot of that music!
Long or short slow runs - I like to keep music in one of my ears (if at all) but it's usually easy listening music. I like to set my ipod or pandora on more mellow music. Some of the artists that I like for these sort of runs are: Colbie Caillat, Jason Mraz, Maroon 5, Kari Jobe, Hillsong Kelly Clarkson... The more acoustic/inspirational musich..Which is my favorite music to listen to, so when the run is easy I'm not concerned with the tempo of the song. I just like to listen to what I love!
Hill/Speed work out- I like to pick it up quite a bit. There is a lot less talking due to the lack of oxygen, and lung expansion on these runs. The intensity is quite high! More than anything, I need it to distract me, and camouflage the sound of breathing and foot steps! A few artists that I've collected for these types of work outs are : Justin Timberlake, Pink, Rhianna, (select) Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas, Usher, Lady Gaga ... I have decided that I like some of this better than say Eminem, or Lincoln Park type of music-- Which I have no interest in!
Solo Run or treadmill- HEY this is classified as it's own work out! It can be just as challenging as some of the above! I have decided that when I'm not running so hard that I need to overbear my breath, or when I'm not talking to someone and need to keep it quiet, that AUDIO BOOKS are the way to go! I have done this a little, but wiht so little solo running, I haven't used this tool much. After yesterdays run, I am a FIRM believer in this! It was like I was engaging in conversation with out having to talk! I was completely immersed in my book during my 6 mile lonely journey! ( Sookie Stack house Novels) I have a series of about 11 books and this is one that I've read before. I got the next book that I hadn't read on audio, and was completely lost, so I decided to re-canter on audio the last one I had read. So the series thing is working for me since I know all of the characters and everything. So this to me, is where it's at for running alone! I've been recommended this before, but never really had to run much by myself.
So get PLUGGED in. I think that having the different music for different work outs can aide in setting the pace (literally) for your run. Which ever that may be!
What's on your play list?!
Run Happy!
I'm ridin' solo! P.R.
I spent most of the day yesterday looking for a running partner to run 5 miles with. The pressure of not running hardly any last week, and the snow coming in 24 hours to cover our grounds again, was building. I text most of my running friends, but as it turned out with my schedule and theirs, it just didn't work out.
If you've been following any of my training, EVER, you know that running solo has always been one of my mental blocks!
I was so desperate to get a run in OUTSIDE, that I decided to just get out there and do it! I found a semi clear spot. Turned on my audio book (which I HIGHLY recommend!). I decided that since I was on riverside, it'd be easy to map out my run for an accurate account of my miles. So I started my stop watch on my watch, and took off. I had planned to run to a familiar water fountain that I knew from previous runs was 4.6 miles to be exact. That was until.........
----- I'm running up to an intersection where a truck is blocking the crosswalk for me to pass, so I just began to slow down to come to a stop. He makes eye contact with me , waves, and backs up. What he didn't realize, was a car had pulled up so close to him, that her front fender was already so close to his bumper. It all happened so fast, that I just kept going. I felt a little twinge of guilt for not stopping. But I don't think I have any obligations (legally) to stop. I hear the lady yelling out of her window-- remember I never came to a full stop- and the yelling got louder. I can hear her through my earphones, but can't make out the words. And the words get louder at a full on screaming of " GET YOUR &^# BACK" and maybe a few more select words. At this point, I feel SCARED to turn around, but I see my turn around point. So I sped up and ran another half mile away from my car. Coming to a more secluded part of the trail, OUT of the sight of the angered women! I finally decided I needed to turn around and head back to my car, I knew that I was approaching about 3 miles out. I needed to get my daughter soon. So I turn around cautiously looking for the angry cigarette women. I see her pulling out, so I keep a steady pace a bit faster than comfortable.
I decided once clear, to Slow it down a little until the last half mile of my run. I then took off running as hard as I could keeping descent form. I stopped my watching looking down at a time of 50:30. ( logged 5.9) I thought maybe that was wrong, but it couldn't have been, I'd only had to stop it once while waiting to cross at the front part of my run.
I then started to take in all the accounts of my run, that might have made me average an 8:33 pace. -Which still looks WRONG to me-
It really is days like this when you are defined as a runner. I wanted it, so I got it! I wanted to work hard for it no matter what!
We wont talk about the fact that my new kicks are dirty :-( But all in all, it was so worth it!
Hopefully I'll get out tonight before round two of the blizzard makes it's way in town!
Run happy!!
If you've been following any of my training, EVER, you know that running solo has always been one of my mental blocks!
I was so desperate to get a run in OUTSIDE, that I decided to just get out there and do it! I found a semi clear spot. Turned on my audio book (which I HIGHLY recommend!). I decided that since I was on riverside, it'd be easy to map out my run for an accurate account of my miles. So I started my stop watch on my watch, and took off. I had planned to run to a familiar water fountain that I knew from previous runs was 4.6 miles to be exact. That was until.........
----- I'm running up to an intersection where a truck is blocking the crosswalk for me to pass, so I just began to slow down to come to a stop. He makes eye contact with me , waves, and backs up. What he didn't realize, was a car had pulled up so close to him, that her front fender was already so close to his bumper. It all happened so fast, that I just kept going. I felt a little twinge of guilt for not stopping. But I don't think I have any obligations (legally) to stop. I hear the lady yelling out of her window-- remember I never came to a full stop- and the yelling got louder. I can hear her through my earphones, but can't make out the words. And the words get louder at a full on screaming of " GET YOUR &^# BACK" and maybe a few more select words. At this point, I feel SCARED to turn around, but I see my turn around point. So I sped up and ran another half mile away from my car. Coming to a more secluded part of the trail, OUT of the sight of the angered women! I finally decided I needed to turn around and head back to my car, I knew that I was approaching about 3 miles out. I needed to get my daughter soon. So I turn around cautiously looking for the angry cigarette women. I see her pulling out, so I keep a steady pace a bit faster than comfortable.
I decided once clear, to Slow it down a little until the last half mile of my run. I then took off running as hard as I could keeping descent form. I stopped my watching looking down at a time of 50:30. ( logged 5.9) I thought maybe that was wrong, but it couldn't have been, I'd only had to stop it once while waiting to cross at the front part of my run.
I then started to take in all the accounts of my run, that might have made me average an 8:33 pace. -Which still looks WRONG to me-
- I ran solo- Therefore not needing to waste breath talking.
- I was scared of the lady!
- I was scared of being in a more secluded area.
- based on my first mile, I was running about 9:20 pace before I had to run for my life :)
- I had to get my daughter, so the pressure to get done was ON!
- I had about 2 half miles of close to sprinting speed.
It really is days like this when you are defined as a runner. I wanted it, so I got it! I wanted to work hard for it no matter what!
We wont talk about the fact that my new kicks are dirty :-( But all in all, it was so worth it!
Hopefully I'll get out tonight before round two of the blizzard makes it's way in town!
Run happy!!
Okc training week 5
........ Was pretty much non- existent!
Do to the blizzard, I only logged 5 miles last week. Monday I ran a perfect 2 (10mm) mile recovery run after my 8 mile run with my new group. I had soreness from the hills, and the faster pace, in different places that I've never had before. So the recovery run felt DIVINE, and got rid of any lingering soreness I had. I now know the meaning of recovery run. So........... the only other run I got was on a friends treadmill. A miserable 3 miles- UGH! Saturday's long run was canceled due to the snow and ice that covers the streets of T-town.
So there ya have it. I guess I took a RECOVERY week!
Run Happy!
Do to the blizzard, I only logged 5 miles last week. Monday I ran a perfect 2 (10mm) mile recovery run after my 8 mile run with my new group. I had soreness from the hills, and the faster pace, in different places that I've never had before. So the recovery run felt DIVINE, and got rid of any lingering soreness I had. I now know the meaning of recovery run. So........... the only other run I got was on a friends treadmill. A miserable 3 miles- UGH! Saturday's long run was canceled due to the snow and ice that covers the streets of T-town.
So there ya have it. I guess I took a RECOVERY week!
Run Happy!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Yoga Challenge - Day 17
The website (Day 16) calls for a 20 minute core work out. I decided to save that one and tack it on to tomorrow's work out.
Instead I once again did Rainbeau Mars' Dusk routine. I really enjoyed it today! My hips felt tighter than usual. I can tell that my hamstrings are loosening up finally! And I felt the full effects of the relaxation part of this routine tonight. I'm getting stronger and stronger, in even the most basic poses like down-dog. I used to dread this pose b/c I wasn't very good at it. Now, I just love it. It's a great resting place to bring my self back to center. It doesn't feel tiring on my arms and my heels are almost to the floor now-- Which is proving my loosened hammys.
I'm happy I did the switch. So even though I didn't do the assigned shorter video, I'm happy I went with this one again! I can't believe I've made it this far! (With the exception of a few days ((which I made up!)))
Feeling calm, relaxed, restored --- Namaste.
Instead I once again did Rainbeau Mars' Dusk routine. I really enjoyed it today! My hips felt tighter than usual. I can tell that my hamstrings are loosening up finally! And I felt the full effects of the relaxation part of this routine tonight. I'm getting stronger and stronger, in even the most basic poses like down-dog. I used to dread this pose b/c I wasn't very good at it. Now, I just love it. It's a great resting place to bring my self back to center. It doesn't feel tiring on my arms and my heels are almost to the floor now-- Which is proving my loosened hammys.
I'm happy I did the switch. So even though I didn't do the assigned shorter video, I'm happy I went with this one again! I can't believe I've made it this far! (With the exception of a few days ((which I made up!)))
Feeling calm, relaxed, restored --- Namaste.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Yoga Challege Day 15 and 16
Day 15- This is the 45 minute 360 degrees fun flow.
I didn't care much for this one the 1st time I've done it, but this is the 3rd time I've done it, and I am mastering more of the poses. I can certainly feel the strength building in my legs. Love the stretching I get towards the end.
Day 16- 15 minute energy routine
I love this routine! It's super short, and easy. Very relaxing. Matching the fluid movements to breaths. Boy do I feel the energy!!!!!!
This catches me up on the day that I need to be on! So my goal for the rest of this challenge is to finish out this last week strong! I want to stay on task to do the rest of the challenge with out missing a day. I loved this, and even though I got off a few days and had to substitute some work outs for a different yoga video, I really loved practicing close to every day! I hope to just continue the habit of doing at least 5 days a week. Even if it's just a 15-20 minute routine.
I didn't care much for this one the 1st time I've done it, but this is the 3rd time I've done it, and I am mastering more of the poses. I can certainly feel the strength building in my legs. Love the stretching I get towards the end.
Day 16- 15 minute energy routine
I love this routine! It's super short, and easy. Very relaxing. Matching the fluid movements to breaths. Boy do I feel the energy!!!!!!
This catches me up on the day that I need to be on! So my goal for the rest of this challenge is to finish out this last week strong! I want to stay on task to do the rest of the challenge with out missing a day. I loved this, and even though I got off a few days and had to substitute some work outs for a different yoga video, I really loved practicing close to every day! I hope to just continue the habit of doing at least 5 days a week. Even if it's just a 15-20 minute routine.
Yoga Challenge day 14
Day 14 - I did the (45 minute) Rainbeau Mars "Dusk" series instead of my usual routine.
It's got more of the slow burn poses, so I did get a work out, but more than anything it helps to open my hips and release tention. It was very nice! ( Krista, I promise I'll get it back to you!!!) My computer has problems sometimes playing the video of the other "challenge "
This was 2 days ago. So, today, I'll be doing day 15 and 16 together. I didn't practice yesterday!
I will update on 15 and 16.
It's got more of the slow burn poses, so I did get a work out, but more than anything it helps to open my hips and release tention. It was very nice! ( Krista, I promise I'll get it back to you!!!) My computer has problems sometimes playing the video of the other "challenge "
This was 2 days ago. So, today, I'll be doing day 15 and 16 together. I didn't practice yesterday!
I will update on 15 and 16.
Cabin Fever!
We got a massive blizzard on Tuesday!
What does this mean? It means that my 2 mile recovery (and fun) run I did Monday is not sufficient! Although I will say that I learned a whole new meaning to "recovery" run. My legs were quite sore after my 8 miler on Saturday. So to get out and do a nice even 2 mile run felt SO good!!!! And then nothing til Thursday. I have been snowed in since Monday night after that run.
Yesterday (Thursday) I was able to walk about a half mile to my friend Carrie's house and hop on her treadmill. It felt good to stretch my legs out....For about 20 minutes, then I was hot and sweaty, and down right done! I started out wanting to make the most of my treadmill work out, so I wanted to do some Yasso's. I did the 5 minute warm up at a 10 minute pace. Did my first split 800m in 4:03. Recovered for 400m, got about 2 minutes in to my 2nd round of 800s and decided that I would just jog the rest of it out! I am not sure what my mental block is with the treadmill but I get in to about 15-20 and start shutting down..... I was really hot, which seems petty, but you must realize I haven't sweat with out it sticking to my face and turning to salt in months!
Anyways I finished out the 30 minutes at a comfortable pace, just to get my heart rate going. So I'm about 5 miles total for the week! -- puhh. Pitiful. But I have no choice! Even if I had some yak tracks, I wouldn't do it, the roads here are terrible!
So looks as if this week is a "throw away" week for me. We aren't thinking we'll have a long run for Saturday. IT's still too darn slick out there.
I miss running!
I have been doing yoga every day that we've been snowed in (which I need to update), but it's just not the same!!!!
Hope you're all staying safe and warm.
"Run Happy!" - Brooks
What does this mean? It means that my 2 mile recovery (and fun) run I did Monday is not sufficient! Although I will say that I learned a whole new meaning to "recovery" run. My legs were quite sore after my 8 miler on Saturday. So to get out and do a nice even 2 mile run felt SO good!!!! And then nothing til Thursday. I have been snowed in since Monday night after that run.
Yesterday (Thursday) I was able to walk about a half mile to my friend Carrie's house and hop on her treadmill. It felt good to stretch my legs out....For about 20 minutes, then I was hot and sweaty, and down right done! I started out wanting to make the most of my treadmill work out, so I wanted to do some Yasso's. I did the 5 minute warm up at a 10 minute pace. Did my first split 800m in 4:03. Recovered for 400m, got about 2 minutes in to my 2nd round of 800s and decided that I would just jog the rest of it out! I am not sure what my mental block is with the treadmill but I get in to about 15-20 and start shutting down..... I was really hot, which seems petty, but you must realize I haven't sweat with out it sticking to my face and turning to salt in months!
Anyways I finished out the 30 minutes at a comfortable pace, just to get my heart rate going. So I'm about 5 miles total for the week! -- puhh. Pitiful. But I have no choice! Even if I had some yak tracks, I wouldn't do it, the roads here are terrible!
So looks as if this week is a "throw away" week for me. We aren't thinking we'll have a long run for Saturday. IT's still too darn slick out there.
I miss running!
I have been doing yoga every day that we've been snowed in (which I need to update), but it's just not the same!!!!
Hope you're all staying safe and warm.
"Run Happy!" - Brooks
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Yoga Challenge - Day 13
Day 13- 20 minute Shoulder relaxer and Tension relief.
Very relaxing work out! Stayed in the same position (seated in a chair) for the whole session, moving only my arms, neck, shoulders and bending some. It felt very nice after working so hard on that Bakasana pose the day before!
I am still one day behind, so I was going to do day 14 following, but I've had no success with this video playing properly. So, today I'll just do day 15 with another one following.
So far all of these work outs have been wonderful! A great balance of relaxing work outs with a mix of intensity.
Very relaxing work out! Stayed in the same position (seated in a chair) for the whole session, moving only my arms, neck, shoulders and bending some. It felt very nice after working so hard on that Bakasana pose the day before!
I am still one day behind, so I was going to do day 14 following, but I've had no success with this video playing properly. So, today I'll just do day 15 with another one following.
So far all of these work outs have been wonderful! A great balance of relaxing work outs with a mix of intensity.
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